Monday, December 30, 2013

Two year status

I've owned my Kindle Fire for more than two years ago.

I still think that for $200, it is a great buy and I've gotten my money's worth.

I've downloaded numerous books and movies.  I've also emailed numerous documents (phone lists, resume, etc.) to  my kindle device.

My battery is still functioning well.  I keep the Fire plugged into my charger when not in use and I believe that helps, although some experts would disagree with this tactic.

It's still going strong and I use it almost every day.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Observation: The Silk Browser

Sometimes the Silk browser saves tabs that I've X'ed out of.

That is, when I use the Fire the next day after surfing, it asks if I'd like to restore tabs.

Upon a "Yes, please" reply it will occasionally restore tabs that I've exited out of a week ago.

This is not a significant issue, just a minor inconvenience.